KC United! Youth/Family
Sports & Education Initiative

"Saying I’m thankful for camp isn’t enough; the impact the staff and thoughtful programming had on my timid and often unconfident son continues to pay dividends now! My son started camp with a simple connection to staff that made him comfortable to attend and by the time the summer came to an end I watched my son stand before a group of his peers and mentors and speak with a confidence that I’d always prayed for. He was able to explore his own personal goals and dreams through the many activities and varied experience camp provided and built meaningful and transformative relationships. He learned more about who he is and the potential he has to reach his goals. The vision board he created continues to be an anchor for him and helped broaden my understanding of the growing young man in my home. The staff is dedicated not just to the physical but the whole health and wellbeing of the child and family unit. We look forward to another summer filled with connections and growth!"- Ms. Shandra Foster
Ms. Shandra Foster